Free wallpaper and screensaver-pictures for you!


get free wallpaper and screensaver-pictures for your pc!




In december-98 the PC finally arrived! We were all excited and my kids soon found their way to the games, Lotta, my partner in life& their mother found "DX-ball" and Moraffs "Ma-Jong". I got to explore my first PC, Windows(please, Bill&the boys, clean it up!) and the internet. And soon I found my way to BRYCE- sites, fractal images & such things. Ever since -86, when I got the first Commodore Amiga that was sold in Göteborg and DeLuxe Paint2, I have had a sweet spot for computer-graphics. But I was too busy then with my music-business to really explore the graphics (and there was not really any forum for it), getting the music together was the main issue and I soon got an Atari as well, to run sequencers and do digital editing and so on. So exploring the PC and it´s possibilities has been very much fun, and my first "homecoming", was to find Stephen Fergussons site(s);Iterations, and Flarium24, his batch of fractal programs of wich I may have tested almost all. In my taste, TieraZone2 is just great,and so are Sterling & Tiera-28 as well.Well, they all are wort trying out if Fractals are of interest to you! All are freeware! And here you can get more free software!



Click on pictures to see full-size(usually 800*600pixels).Not with the small, "buttonized" pictures, though. Not yet...


Having entered a gallery, you can use the "next page"-button to take you through all galleries in a loop.


Click on buttons to go to the different galleries!

And after a few month, and after a brief stint with "Fractint", I found "Ultra Fractal", and was lost in it for several month, and I still use it much.The obsession is gone, though. Bryce2 helped as a cure. Go to Janet Preslars UF-resource-page and look what is offered there, and get all the links you need to get going. The mailing-list for UltraFractal is very vital, full with nice and helpful people, and Frederik Slijkerman it keeping an eye on the list and is open to suggestions and questions about his program. It is an enormous resource for anyone into UF. In fact, it´s a full-time occupation keeping up with it all, if you really go for that! Ultra Fractal is not free, but it´s worth every cent of the $35 you will have to pay for it, eventually. And Frederik deserves getting his money for work well done.




Ultra Fractal


  go direct to side 1 , 2 or 3



And here in Fractal-FX will you find my own solution to a dream I had...




And if you do wonder about the rest of my story, check out my main page! This is one part of a larger scheme, presented to you as


now with the addition of BERGAKUNGENS, where you can go and see all about my healing gem-salves!

Go to bergakungens, get healing salves!

If you would like to make a screensaver of any of your collected pictures, you can download a great, free screensaver here. Make shure to try it with effects-setting on!


Home, sweet home!!


Bryce-MainMusic, music!


communicate with me´s...




Background-tile is a picture made in Ultra Fractal ,"Wooden Star" by Klaus-Peter Kubik. All other pictures copy-right © Jörgen Sangsta -99 & 00




Help! Displays the next 5 sites in the loop Goes to a random site in the loop Skips over next site in the loop.  Helpful if the next site is down for some reason. Goes to the Infinite Fractal Loop home page Goes to the previous site in the loop Goes to the next site in the loop